
What is GirlNowWhat?

GirlNowWhat? is a question all women should ask themselves on a daily basis and as each goal in their life has been achieved.   Never stop growing, learning and embracing positive changes as they come.

This question started with a telephone conversation I had with a high school friend in 2005 with whom I shared similar life experiences.  After growing up in church, having gone through various events like teenage pregnancy, single parenthood, full-time jobs while being full-time students and then growing into well rounded God fearing married women with careers, that day we hung up the phone saying, "Girl Now What"? 

That conversation allowed me to admit to myself that I was living, but not totally living to the fullest.  There were dreams I had and goals I wanted to accomplish but had long forgotten about.  I thought those dreams were unable to achieve because of the choices I made in life.  Having left that belief system I have finally allowed myself to embrace one of my passions.....singing.  I now know in life it's never too late for anything.

So, Girl Now What you ask...?  Yep, I'm finally a vocalist, caroler, chorister, songster, songstress, crooner, artist, soloist, songbird, lead vocalist, entertainer, player, singer, and band member. 

What about you??

1 comment:

Heidi - on her voyage said...

Awesome!!! SO EXCITED TO SEE your blog, and I love the name and concept! I can't wait to encourage each other and hang soon--and I love the idea of getting our families together! Hope you have a great vacation!