
Heidi Howes: Listen to your Dreams

She's a bonafide musician, songwriter, poet, teacher, mother, wife, student, dreamer, peace maker, thinker, healer, lover, creator, blessing, author, hard worker, performer, motivator, positive speaker, motivator, visionary, soprano, listener, and that's just .0000005% of Heidi Howes, there's so much more to her than I'll ever know in this lifetime.  

When I sat down with Heidi there were so many things I wanted to ask her that I just didn't know where to begin.  She and I met the summer of 2008.  We had both responded to a CraigsList ad online for a performance band opportunity.  After considering the opportunity we both opted to pursue other things.  I give full credit to her for introducing me to Flytown Soul Revue and being one of the many women that encouraged me to launch my own website and pursue music more seriously.

In December 2009 she and I sat down to talk.  This gave me the opportunity to hear from her as a mentor.

I'm always curious about how those with an identified passion find it during their lifetime, so my first question to her was at what age did you start singing and playing an instrument? 

Music was a secret wish of mine.  My parents were singers who went to college for voice (classical), and my great grandmother was a great singer.  We have lots of musicians in the family.  I started playing cello, guitar, and now piano, but my voice is my primary instrument.

What other passions do you have? 

I really enjoy snowboarding, poetry, family, working out and being healthy.  I also have apathy for those suffering with mental health issues and helping teenage girls learn how to express themselves through music.

Girl Now What created to not only encourage myself but to also provide a place for others to be encouraged as well.  Discovering what you want to do in life and walking out your vision is not an easy task.  Heidi and I chatted for nearly 2 hours on everything from managing work-life balance to what it takes to be successful as an independent artist.

How are you making this all work for you?

As a mother, I explain alot to my children who are 5 and 3 concerning what I do and why.  I have lots of support from my husband and we compromise together.  We have date nights weekly.  I have also learned over the years to give what I can, when I can, with the best I can.  But, most of all I am determined to succeed and I put my heart and soul in everything I do.

You are also the creator of the Columbus Music Network (CMN)? Tell me about this local network.

The CMN grew out of me wanting to see music professionals together.  The opportunity would allow us all to swap ideas and discuss various music related topics.  The future goal is to create an environment where there are monthly events for musicians providing a place for musicians to hold events, workshops, and talk to others with the purpose of learning from one another.

So...Girl, Now What?

Where do I begin? First realize that my goals are always evolving, and I'm always following my dreams whatever they might be at the time.  I am looking forward to my CD release, book of poetry, and my Blog.
Eventually I would love to see my income doubled through the efforts of my work, I want to keep going and following my passion for music thus eventually proving to myself and others that believing in yourself does work.

Where can we find out more about you and your creative projects?

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